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3057 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Suite # 100, Duluth, GA – 30097

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+1 205-267-5716

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Geo Outage Management

Power Outage Planning, Scheduling and Optimization.

The GIS solution for Outage Management leverages a GIS web platform to visualize comprehensive network data and anticipate upcoming planned network disruptions. This information is seamlessly displayed on GIS maps, depicting affected areas, and is accessible to both internal and external business partners. The primary advantage gained from this implementation is the establishment of a single source of truth.

Electricity network data, sourced from asset management databases, spreadsheets, and similar repositories, is utilized and transformed into meaningful layers within the GIS platform. Role-based access control ensures that various users can create and seek approval for their planned outages. Managers benefit from a consolidated view of all outages simultaneously, enabling them to schedule and approve actions to minimize network disruptions effectively.

  • Plan an Outage
  • Scheduling an Outage
  • Approve an Outage
  • Display all/selected Outage
  • Calculating SAIDI
  • (System Average Interruption Duration Index)
  • Proactive Maintenance and Upgrades
  • Advanced Monitoring and Predictive Analytics
  • Redundancy and Backup Systems
  • Effective Communication and Customer Engagement
  • Rapid Response and Restoration
  • Continuous Improvement and Performance Monitoring

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