Years Experience in Consulting
- Business Growth
- Analysis & Research
- 100% Secure
Permanent Staffing
SVK Systems Inc., Permanent Hire Solutions are a perfect solution for companies who need
to hire technical resources but are short of time and recruiting resources. Hiring SVK
Systems also brings better penetration in your dream workforce as we can access
performers for conversions in your favor. Permanent Hiring solutions offer savings on
your staff’s time, advertising budgets and competitive edge with access to a larger and
qualified pool of candidates.
Permanent Hire Solutions give companies the ability to immediately hire SVK Consultants
as internal employees. With Permanent Hire Solutions, SVK and the company agree on the
terms of the Permanent Hire placement which typically include the fee percentage and a
guarantee provision should the consultant not work out. Our professional recruiters
deploy several practices to ensure that you get a right candidate for filling your
permanent vacancies. These include:

- Assigning a dedicated Recruitment Manager and/or executive to our clients for managing their permanent requirements
- Seek out exception professionals through our extensive network. These resources are usually not traceable except through some contact or referral.
- High degree of screening process
- Special interview methods
- Multi-layered reference techniques
This model help to control cost and maintain trade confidentiality. Our
extended sourcing reach in India, US , Canada, Atlanta ,Alabama and highly
effective processes for screening, testing and recruiting help you bring the
best IT resources on board. We take upmost care to get you dedicated staff
that can sustain and succeed even in challenging situations.
Direct hire with the SVK Systems Inc., is a win-win solution, specializing
in the recruitment and placement of professional. We have a broad range of
clients that extend from startup technology firms to the Fortune 500®. We
are committed to providing our clients and candidates with seasoned
professionals who will dedicate themselves to providing the upmost in
personal attention, professionalism and integrity.
Our consultants will work closely with you during the search process to ensure a clear understanding of the position, the impact on your organization, and your expectations.
- Initial Meeting – SVK will meet with your key representative(s) to discuss company description, candidate qualifications, compensation, critical success factors, and career potential. We will also finalize the search agreement.
- Candidate Identification & Prescreening – will perform a comprehensive search to identify multiple candidates that meet your specifications.
- Candidate Presentation – Top candidates are interviewed and assessed. After thorough evaluation, background information is forwarded to you for review.
- Reference Checking – Thorough reference checks are conducted.Negotiations & Acceptance – SVK will coordinate final selection of the candidate and offer employment.
- Employee Retention Program – We interview the employees we place three and six months subsequent to their start date to ensure that the expectations of both you and the employee(s) are met.
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